What happens in a session?
First of all, you are welcome to bring along some-one else if you would like (eg a spouse, carer, friend or relative).
I usually start by asking you what you want from the visit. We may then continue along Solution Focused lines (see separate page) or else do some assessment and more traditional Speech and Language Therapy. This may involve, speech, written or physical exercises.
For clients who have “dysphasia”, (acquired language disorder often following a stroke), we can use “total communication”. This might involve getting our messages across to one another using drawing, writing, gesture, facial expression or a communication aid, as well as speech.
The therapy is very much tailored to your needs and I will always explain the reason for doing things if you would find that helpful.
I don’t tend to have separate assessment and treatment sessions, as I find that assessment and treatment inform each other, and most sessions will contain some of each.
At the end of the session I will ask you if you want to meet again, and if so, when. You may want several sessions, or you may feel that one or two is enough to get you moving in the right direction.
Finally, I often ask customers to complete a brief evaluation of the session, as this helps me to continue to develop as a therapist and to ensure that my practice is relevant and effective.